Animal Nutrition
 | Head of The Division Principal Scientist (Veterinary Biochemistry & Nutrition Technologies) BVSc. (SL), MSc. (SL), PhD (UK)
Dr. (Mrs.) M.W.C.D. Palliyeguru |
Mrs. R.A.T. Chandima
| Research Assistant Dip. In Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka) |
Mrs D.L Ranathunga
| Research Assistant Dip. In Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka) |
Mrs.R.A.I Melani Ranasinghe
| Research Assistant Dip. In Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka) |
Mrs. K.W.G.S Madushani Kularathne
| Research Assistant Dip. In Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka) |
Mrs. K.C. Nadeeshani
| Development Officer |
Mrs. Charundya Jayathissa
| Development Officer |
Mr M.G Kiribanda
| laboratory Sub Assistant |
Mrs. D.W.G.M Sandamali
| Field Assistant
Mrs. M.G.D.D. Damayanthi
| Livestock Assistant
01.Technical services
- Nutrient proximate analysis (Moisture, Protein, Fat,Fibre, Ash & Sand )
- Mineral profile analysis ( Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Cobalt & Manganese)
- Heavy metal analysis
- Antinutrient analysis
- Gross energy analysis
- Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2 analysis
- Trainings on Animal feed production offer
- Nutrition related Advisory services for livestock and poultry farmers
- Investigating problems related to animal nutrition of livestock and poultry.
- Formulating least cost feed rations for livestock animals and poultry.
02.Technology Transfer
- Conducting training programs on animal feed milling, processing and animal nutrition for officers, middle level technicians, feed manufactures and farmers
- Teaching and supervision of study programs on animal nutrition for diploma/undergraduate/postgraduate level students
03.Regulatory activities
- Functioning at the authorized laboratory under Animal Feed act of Sri Lanka