Veterinary Research Institute

Govenment of Sri Lanka

Department of Animal
& Health

Faculty of Veterinary
& Animal Science

Department of Animal
& Health
Central province

Home: Orgstruc: Directorate: Profile:Milestone


Year Descriptions
18901st Veterinary Surgeon
1911 Establishment of the Veterinary diagnostic laboratory in Colombo
1934 Production of fowl pox vaccine
1935 Veterinary department was shifted to Peradeniya and brought under the control of Agriculture Department.
1939 Veterinary Laboratory moved to Peradeniya from Colombo and established at Getambe
1940 Tick fever vaccination commenced
1941 Veterinary Laboratory was renamed as the Veterinary Research Laboratory (VRL)
1941 Production of Rinderpest vaccine
1949 Bacterial vaccine production was commenced. Initially Black quarter (BQ), Anthrax and Brucella Vaccines were produced
1955 Establishment of Central Poultry Research Station (CPRS), Kundasale
1956 Production of first batch of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS) vaccine and wet vaccine against Ranikhet
1960 Production of Freeze- Dried Ranikhet vaccine
1962 Production of FMD vaccine
1967 VRL was renamed as Veterinary Research Institute and shifted to new building at Gannoruwa with discipline- based divisions
1976-1980 Establishment of regional Veterinary Investigation Centers (VICs) at Polonnaruwa, Welisara, Yapanaya and Matara.
1983 Establishment of new vaccine production laboratory at Gannoruwa under FAO/SIDA Livestock Development and Breed improvement project.
1983Termination of production of Anthrax vaccine
1984 Establishment of separate divisions of Bacteriology and Poultry Diagnostic & Investigation at the VRI
1985VRI was declared as the Regional Reference Center for HS by the FAO
1988 Production of FMD vaccine was stopped
1989 Establishment of VIC at Pannala
1990 Salary and Cadre reform committee made a recommendation that the VRI should become a separate institute
1990 Production of BQ vaccine using new field strains
1991 New Virology research division was established
1992 Establishment of VIC at Vavuniyawa
1997 Production of Ranikhet and Fowl Pox vaccine was abandoned
1999 Establishment of Animal Feed Reference Laboratory for feed
2000 Establishment of model feed mill for training of feed manufactures
2000 Establishment of workshop
2000 Separation of CPRS from the NLDB
2005 Establishment of Information Technology Centre and Multimedia Unit
2007 Establishment of Virology division at Polgolla AVL
2007 Establishmernt of record room with the appointment of an Archivist Assistant
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