Veterinary Research Institute

Govenment of Sri Lanka

Department of Animal
& Health

Faculty of Veterinary
& Animal Science

Department of Animal
& Health
Central province


Head of the Division
Veterinary Research Officer
B.V.Sc. (Sri Lanka), MVM-Biosecurity (New Zealand), Diploma in Protozoan Diseases (Japan)
Dr.(Ms) N.D. Senasinghe Dissanayake
Dr.(Ms)S.S.IddamaldeniyaVeterinary Research Officer
BVSc. (Sri Lanka) M.phil (Sri Lanka)
Dr.(Ms) P.G.I.D AmarasiriVeterinary Research Officer
BVSc. (Sri Lanka)
M.Sc in Medical Microbiology
Mrs.A.H.M.AthapattuResearch Assistant Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka) ,Dip in.Pig Husbandry & Animal feed (Netherlands)
Bachelor of Industrial Agriculture (OUSL)
Mr.M.R.M.AathikResearch Assistant Animal Husbandry (Sri Lanka)
BSc.(Agri Tech Mgt) Sri Lanka
Miss .A.L.G Wasana Sugandi Laboratory Assistant

Division of Parasitology

Main functions of the Division are as follows:-


     Research on parasitic diseases of livestock to provide solutions to parasitic problems in the field .
     Research on upgrading Tick fever Vaccine (for Babesiosis) .
     Research on developing new diagnostic techniques and control methods for parasitic diseases .

02.Technical Services

1) Laboratory testing of samples for the diagnosis of veterinary parasitic diseases
2) Production and issuing Tick fever vaccine (for Babesiosis) to the field on requests
3) Disease investigations on parasitic diseases of livestock on request
4) Advisory service for the control of parasitic diseases in livestock
5) Support statutory activities of DAPH
6) Support development programs of the DAPH

03.Technology Transfer

1) Disseminate research findings at scientific forums
2) Train Officers of DAPH, Postgraduate students, Undergraduate students, Diploma students etc
3) Participate as resource personnel for DAPH programmes and at scientific forums on request
4) Provide advisory services on parasitic disease
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